joi, 18 august 2011

Dad's Breakdown, Psapp

"As for shades of grey: well, I like grey - it's a friendly, comforting colour. And it was good enough for Giacometti. I went into Richmond today, and everything looked delightfully grey and muted. Grey faces smiled at me through the traffic fumes.

'I wouldn't swap this paradise for the Bahamas on a balmy day,' I said to Ted Evans, our security officer, former police officer, and ex-police marksman, who had taken me to Habitat to collect the new, neutral, good-taste light fittings I had chosen for the hallways in King George Square."

duminică, 14 august 2011

sâmbătă, 13 august 2011

The hour

"A conspiracy is nothing but the secret agreement of a number of men for the pursuance of policies which they dare not admit to in public."