duminică, 8 decembrie 2013

Kalbelia dance, Sapera family

Jurnal de protest II

17 March La parada din Galway de Sf. Patrick au participat și câțiva etnici ruși. Faptul că au folosit drapelul URSS tocmai azi mi s-a părut mai mult decât o nostalgie personală.

5 March Festivitățile din Ucraina continuă cu un bal mascat în Crimeea care a atras numeroase autocare de turiști ruși.

20 Februarie Uniunea euroasiatică își pregătește intrarea pe scena mondială cu spectacole de stradă la Kiev.

8 Decembrie Fuga prin păpușoi și dosarele penale sunt modul în care Chevron înțelege să aibă "relații constructive și pozitive cu comunitățile unde își desfășoară activitatea".

2 Decembrie Parada de ziua națională pălește în comparație cu parada de la Pungești, la 4 dimineața.

miercuri, 4 decembrie 2013

Irish Fairy Tales II, James Stephens

"..to a god grown old Time is as ruthless as to a beggerman grown old." 

"Goll could do a thing that would be hard for another person, and he could do it so beautifully that he was not diminished by any action." 

"The tooth that does not help gets no helping.."

"'And now, tell me your name?'
'I am known as Carl of the Drab Coat.'
'All name are names', Fion responded, 'and that also is a name.'"

"..Tell me your past, my beloved, for a man is his past, and is to be known by it.
But Tuan pleaded: 'Let the past be content with itself, for man needs forgetfulness as well as memory.'"

"Fionn mac Uail was the most prudent chief of an army in the world, but he was not always prudent on his own account. Discipline sometimes irked him, and he would then take any opportunity that presented for an adventure; for he was not only a soldier, he was a poet also, that is, a man of science, and whatever was strange or unusual had an irresistible attraction for him."

"The trouble of the king becomes the trouble of the subject, for how shall we live if judgement is withheld, or if faulty decision are promulgated?"

"For a great wish had come upon him to walk beside the sea; to listen to the roll and boom of long, grey breakers; to gaze on an unfruitful, desolate wilderness of waters; and to forget in those sights all that he could forget, and if he could not forget then to remember all that he should remember."