Un peşte îndrăzneşte să vadă mai mult decât pârâul în care trăiesc perfect mulţumiţi toţi cei pe care îi ştie de când s-a născut.
"Death could come upon me very easily now. But as long as I'm able to live, I shouldn't go out to meet death. Of course, if someday I should be forced to face death - as I shall - it doesn't matter. What does matter is the influence that my life or death will have on the lives of others . . ."
"Death could come upon me very easily now. But as long as I'm able to live, I shouldn't go out to meet death. Of course, if someday I should be forced to face death - as I shall - it doesn't matter. What does matter is the influence that my life or death will have on the lives of others . . ."
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