sâmbătă, 31 decembrie 2011
joi, 15 decembrie 2011
duminică, 20 noiembrie 2011
Against Happiness, Eric G. Wilson
sâmbătă, 15 octombrie 2011
Balthasar & Blimunda, Jose Saramago II
Balthasar & Blimunda, Jose Saramago I
vineri, 14 octombrie 2011
marți, 11 octombrie 2011
joi, 6 octombrie 2011
duminică, 18 septembrie 2011
Ulysses, James Joyce III
He deposited the articles of clothing on a chair, removed his remaining articles of clothing, took from beneath the bolster at the head of the bed a folded long white nightshirt, inserted his head and arms into the proper apertures of the nightshirt, removed a pillow from the head to the foot of the bed, prepared the bedlinen accordingly and entered the bed.
With circumspection, as invariably when entering an abode (his own or not his own): with solicitude, the snakespiral springs of the mattress being old, the brass quoits and pendent viper radii loose and tremulous under stress and strain: prudently, as entering a lair or ambush of lust or adders: lightly, the less to disturb: reverently, the bed of conception and of birth, of consummation of marriage and of breach of marriage, of sleep and of death.
What did his limbs, when gradually extended, encounter?
New clean bedlinen, additional odours, the presence of a human form, female, hers, the imprint of a human form, male, not his, some crumbs, some flakes of potted meat, recooked, which he removed.
If he had smiled why would he have smiled?
To reflect that each one who enters imagines himself to be the first to enter whereas he is always the last term of a preceding series even if the first term of a succeeding one, each imagining himself to be first, last, only and alone whereas he is neither first nor last nor only nor alone in a series originating in and repeated to infinity."
Ulysses, James Joyce II
"Why would a recurrent frustration the more depress him?
Because at the critical turning point of human existence he desired to amend many social conditions, the product of inequality and avarice and international animosity. He believed then that human life was infinitely perfectible, eliminating these conditions?
There remained the generic conditions imposed by natural, as distinct from human law, as integral parts of the human whole: the necessity of destruction to procure alimentary sustenance: the painful character of the ultimate functions of separate existence, the agonies of birth and death: the monotonous menstruation of simian and (particularly) human females extending from the age of puberty to the menopause: inevitable accidents at sea, in mines and factories: certain very painful maladies and their resultant surgical operations, innate lunacy and congenital criminality, decimating epidemics: catastrophic cataclysms which make terror the basis of human mentality: seismic upheavals the epicentres of which are located in densely populated regions: the fact of vital growth, through convulsions of metamorphosis, from infancy through maturity to decay."
"What special affinities appeared to him to exist between the moon and woman?
Her antiquity in preceding and surviving successive tellurian generations: her nocturnal predominance: her satellitic dependence: her luminary reflection: her constancy under all her phases, rising and setting by her appointed times, waxing and waning: the forced invariability of her aspect: her indeterminate response to inaffirmative interrogation: her potency over effluent and refluent waters: her power to enamour, to mortify, to invest with beauty, to render insane, to incite to and aid delinquency: the tranquil inscrutability of her visage: the terribility of her isolated dominant implacable resplendent propinquity: her omens of tempest and of calm: the stimulation of her light, her motion and her presence: the admonition of her craters, her arid seas, her silence: her splendour, when visible: her attraction, when invisible."
Ulysses, James Joyce I
My mother's a jew, my father's a bird.
With Joseph the joiner I cannot agree.
So here's to disciples and Calvary.
If anyone thinks that I amn't divine
He'll get no free drinks when I'm making the wine
But have to drink water and wish it were plain
That I make when the wine becomes water again."
"Prevention of cruelty to animals.
BLOOM: (Enthusiastically) A noble work! I scolded that tramdriver on Harold's cross bridge for illusing the poor horse with his harness scab. Bad French I got for my pains. Of course it was frosty and the last tram. All tales of circus life are highly demoralising."
"THE NYMPH: I do. You bore me away, framed me in oak and tinsel, set me above your marriage couch. Unseen, one summer eve, you kissed me in four places. And with loving pencil you shaded my eyes, my bosom and my shame. "
"STEPHEN: (Laughs emptily) My centre of gravity is displaced. I have forgotten the trick. Let us sit down somewhere and discuss. Struggle for life is the law of existence but modern philirenists, notably the tsar and the king of England, have invented arbitration. (He taps his brow) But in here it is I must kill the priest and the king. "
luni, 29 august 2011
joi, 18 august 2011
Dad's Breakdown, Psapp
'I wouldn't swap this paradise for the Bahamas on a balmy day,' I said to Ted Evans, our security officer, former police officer, and ex-police marksman, who had taken me to Habitat to collect the new, neutral, good-taste light fittings I had chosen for the hallways in King George Square."
duminică, 14 august 2011
sâmbătă, 13 august 2011
The hour
vineri, 12 august 2011
luni, 1 august 2011
duminică, 27 martie 2011
sâmbătă, 26 martie 2011
In the shadow of Eden, Rachael Romero
joi, 24 martie 2011
Rostul României
României i-a dispărut rostul. E o ţară fără rost, în orice sens vreţi voi. O ţară cu oameni fără rost, cu oraşe fără rost, cu drumuri fără rost, cu bani, muzică, maşini şi ţoale fără rost, cu relaţii şi discuţii fără rost, cu minciuni şi înşelătorii care nu duc nicăieri.
Există trei mari surse de rost pe lumea asta mare: familia (bătrânii), pământul şi credinţa.
Bătrânii. România îi batjocoreşte cu sadism de 20 de ani. Îi ţine în foame şi în frig. Sunt umiliţi, bruscaţi de funcţionari, uitaţi de copii, călcaţi de maşini pe trecerea de pietoni. Sunt scoşi la vot, că vitele, momiţi cu un kil de ulei sau de mălai de care, dinadins, au fost privaţi prin pensii de rahat. Vite slabe, flămânde şi bătute, asta au ajuns bătrânii noştri. Câini ţinuţi afară iarna, fără măcar o mână de paie sub ciolane.
Dar, ce e cel mai grav, sunt nefolosiţi.. O fonotecă vie de experienţă şi înţelepciune a unei generaţii care a trăit atâtea grozăvii e ştearsă de pe bandă, ca să tragem manele peste. Fără bătrâni nu există familie. Fără bătrâni nu există viitor.
Pământul. Care pământ? Cine mai e legat de pământ în ţara aia? Cine-l mai are şi cine mai poate rodi ceva din el? Majestatea Sa Regele Thailandei susţine un program care se intitulează "Sufficiency Economy", prin care oamenii sunt încurajaţi să crească pe lângă case tot ce le trebuie: un fruct, o legumă, o găina, un purcel. Foarte inteligent. Dacă se întâmplă vreo criză globală de alimente, thailandezii vor supravieţui fără ajutoare de la ţările "prietene".
La noi chestia asta se numeşte "agricultură de subzistenţă" şi lui tanti Europa nu-i place. Tanti Europa vrea că ţăranii să-şi cumpere roşiile şi şoriciul de la hypermarketuri franţuzeşti şi germane, că de-aia avem UE.
Cântatul cocoşilor dimineaţa, lătratul vesel al lui Grivei, grohăitul lui Ghiţă până de Ignat, corcoduşele furate de la vecini şi iazul cu sălcii şi broaşte sunt imagini pe care castraţii de la Bruxelles nu le-au trăit, nu le pot înţelege şi, prin urmare, le califică drept nişte arhaisme barbare. Să dispară!
Din beţivii, leneşii şi nebunii satului se trag ăştia care ne conduc acum. Neam de neamul lor n-a avut pământ, că nu erau în stare să-l muncească. Nu ştiu ce înseamnă pământul, câtă linişte şi câtă putere îţi dă, ce poveşti îţi spune şi cât sens aduce fiecărei dimineţi şi fiecărei seri. I-au urât întotdeauna pe cei care se trezeau la 5 dimineaţă şi plecau la câmp cu ciorba în sufertaş. Pe toţi gângavii şi pe toţi puturosii ăştia i-au făcut comuniştii primari, secretari de partid, şefi de puşcării sau de cămine culturale. Pe toţi ăştia, care au neamul îngropat la marginea cimitirului, de milă, de silă, creştineşte.
Credinţa. O mai poartă doar bătrânii şi ţăranii, câţi mai sunt, cât mai sunt. Un strai vechi, cusut cu fir de aur, un strai vechi, greu de îmbrăcat, greu de dat jos, care trebuie împăturit într-un fel anume şi pus la loc în lada de zestre împreună cu busuioc, smirnă şi flori de câmp. Pus bine, că poate îl va mai purta cineva. Când or să moară oamenii ăştia, o să-l ia cu ei la cer pe Dumnezeu..
Avem, în schimb, o variantă modernă de credinţa, cu fermoar şi arici, prin care ţi se văd şi ţâţele şi portofelul burduşit. Se poartă la nunţi, botezuri şi înmormântări, la alegeri, la inundaţii, la sfinţiri de sedii şi aghesmuiri de maşini luxoase, la pomenirea eroilor Revoluţiei.. Se accesorizeaza cu cruci făcute în grabă şi cu un "Tatăl nostru" spus pe jumătate, că trebuie să răspunzi la mobil. Scuze, domnu părinte, e urgent.
Fugim de ceva ca să ajungem nicăieri. Ne vindem pământul să facă ăştia depozite şi vile de neam prost pe el. Ne sunăm bunicii doar de ziua lor, dacă au mai prins-o. Bisericile se înmulţesc, credincioşii se împuţinează, sfinţii de pe pereţi se gândesc serios să aplice pentru viza de Canada .
Fetele noastre se prostituează până găsesc un italian bătrân şi cu bani, cu care se mărită. Băieţii noştri fură bancomate, joacă la pokere şi beau de sting pentru că ştiu de la televizor că fetele noastre vor bani, altfel se prostituează.
Părinţii noştri pleacă să culeagă căpşuni şi să-i spele la cur pe vestici. Iar noi facem infarct şi cancer pentru multinaţionalele lor, conduse de securiştii noştri..
Sună-ţi familia, pune o sămânţa într-un ghiveci şi aprinde o lumânare pentru vii şi pentru morţi.
Să trăieşti.
Brăduţ Florescu
marți, 8 februarie 2011
Being an Amsterdammer
You are more likely to ride a bike than to drive a car (possible cause for the first observation).
The road to salvation is straight across the street if you work behind a window with red lights.
You have a high tolerance to increased levels of noise and confined spaces (rather common in large cities).
You buy food and drinks in small packages, similar to airplane meals (also possible cause for the first observation).
You plan your life at least 5 years in advance.
You have at least one co-worker that openly admits they don't prefer the opposite sex.
You have even more water in your cucumbers and tomatoes than the people who buy Dutch vegetables elsewhere.
You don't mind having your home behind the window of a former shop and not using curtains.
You are very proud of your bitterballen and stroopwafel and you eat your cheese with mustard.
You can see as often as you want a few sunflowers in a vase.
You can buy more than tulips, roses and carnations in the flower market. And on that note, you actually have a flower market.
You have unlimited faith in your dikes.
marți, 25 ianuarie 2011
sâmbătă, 1 ianuarie 2011
The brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoevsky
"God raises Job again, gives him wealth again. Many years pass by, and he has other children and loves them. But how could he love those new ones when those first children are no more, when he has lost them? Remembering them, how could he be fully happy with those new ones, however dear the new ones might be? But he could, he could. It’s the great mystery of human life that old grief passes gradually into quiet, tender joy."
"... man loves to see the downfall and disgrace of the righteous"
"‘You have desires and so satisfy them, for you have the same rights as the most rich and powerful. Don’t be afraid of satisfying them and even multiply your desires.’ That is the modern doctrine of the world. In that they see freedom. And what follows from this right of multiplication of desires? In the rich, isolation and spiritual suicide; in the poor, envy and murder; for they have been given rights, but have not been shown the means of satisfying their wants."
"Work without ceasing. If you remember in the night as you go to sleep, ‘I have not done what I ought to have done,’ rise up at once and do it."
"‘Why, my daughter, have you fallen again already?’ cries the priest: ‘O Sancta Maria, what do I hear! Not the same man this time, how long is this going on? Aren’t you ashamed!’ ‘Ah, mon pere,’ answers the sinner with tears of penitence, ‘Ca lui fait tant de plaisir, et a moi si peu de peine!’"
"Look how our young people commit suicide, without asking themselves Hamlet’s question what there is beyond, without a sign of such a question, as though all that relates to the soul and to what awaits us beyond the grave had long been erased in their minds and buried under the sands."
"... like little children, we brush the dreadful ghosts away and hide our heads in the pillow so as to return to our sports and merriment as soon as they have vanished."
"‘Fathers, provoke not your children to wrath.’ Yes, let us first fulfil Christ’s injunction ourselves and only then venture to expect it of our children. Otherwise we are not fathers, but enemies of our children, and they are not our children, but our enemies, and we have made them our enemies ourselves."