sâmbătă, 8 iunie 2024

Beauty and Good Fortune XI

 Part X

The following evening all the guest were at the table as every other evening enjoying the gentle music and the smooth wines while the Dark Prince was doing his best to ignore them all with one of his usual absent looks. He was too busy trying to mentally prioritize his list of new aquisitions to pay any attention to their chatter. The doors opened as usual and everybody went quiet for the moment they were all waiting for. But instead of a vision of beauty and charm the old wizard came in with a most curious grin. He advanced slowly to the side of the prince and told him that the girl was nowhere to be found and that he prepared a search party and hunting dogs to find her first thing in the morning. The prince just stayed there as a stone completely astonished and he did not even move when the guests started to leave the Grand Hall one by one. That night he could not sleep at all just thinking how she could leave all these beautiful things behind. He walked from room to room looking at everything he worked so hard for. 

At the first light he finally understood that the answer was simple, she just realised how pointless all those beautiful things are. He called his guards and asked them to lock that cockroach of a wizard in his deepest dungeon for the fraud that he was. And then he send news to the four corners of his realm that any wise man or woman can come and choose an object from his collection as long as they can tell him what is the meaning of life.

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