vineri, 20 ianuarie 2023

From Ankara to Izmir, Jerry Douglas

Slowly emerging from baby madness with our second kid and a project management stint, I see empty canevases everywhere including this dusty old blog. But dusty old things are the best, aren't they? 

Having a second child was much easier than a first, partly because there was much less work to be done on myself and who I am as a parent and on redefining relations and responsibilities in our small family unit and partly because we had my parents taking turns to stay with us for half a year. Of course living again with parents after 20 years of adult life away from home and after not seeing them in person for 2 years because of the pandemic presented its own challenges. But despite some hurdles it was greatly positive especially for the kids and I got to grow our own pumpkins and tomatoes, stock up our pantry with jam and tomato paste, and set up a low tech nano fishtank.

As for project management, I took great lengths at conquering my dislike for phone calls in French and I perfected my skills for chasing delivery vans in the university parking lot to make sure coffee breaks are set up in time. I am not entirely sure there will be more content for the blog because most things are said with a picture and three lines of text on Instagram these days but it feels good to be back. And anyway if you are interested in random ramblings we have ChatGPT for that now.

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